Republican Elected District Officials

YCRC District Officials

    General Information:
  • General monthly meetings...first Thursday of the month
  • Meeting location...Joe and Mimma's Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, 5742 George Washington Road, Yorktown, but subject to change per meeting call information.
  • Everyone is welcome to attend, however individuals must reside in and be a legal and qualified registered voter of York County, VA and are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and will support all Republican nominees.
  • When seeking membership...submit a membership form, the prorated fee and introduce yourself to the Committee.
  • The prospective member will be vetted as a registered voter of York County and at their next attended meeting, the membership in attendance votes on membership.

    The purpose of the YCRC:
  • is to promote and promulgate the principles of the Republican Party
  • to encourage qualified Republican candidates to run for public office
  • to conduct mass meetings of Republican voters as required
  • to encourage Republican candidates and Republican elected officials to follow the Republican Creed of Virginia.
  • To this end, all members are expected to provide active support to these objectives.
  • The Committee is organized under and governed by the “Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia”, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the YCRC bylaws.

Kitty Staskelunas, Chairman
York County Republican Committee

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~Ronald Reagan

©2025 York County Republican Committee. All rights reserved.